Uncut Naval Hernia Story for SNLs Skit Riders

Run.  I wrote this in a world of hurt:  UNCUT with these two images first...:


  1. AdalineJanuary 16, 2019 at 3:12 PM
    Lemonade anyone? Hat tip to Atmosphere with Rhymesayers ENT
  2. Adaline IncredulousFebruary 23, 2019 at 5:54 PM
    Laugh In was the egg that hatched out as SNL. Hat tip to SNL, of course they must know they are loved very much.

On Twin...Glass Houses RE.ally?  And DON'T BEE FOOLE.D This is in fact Cut
and by any and that old NYC.SNL Mal.Arch.Ee ~
Please Bee Forewarned about your own Naval
The Kali Yuga
ok, here we how it goes 

On Your Own Naval, Taking good care of the TEMPLEs
Kali Yuga, which by copy rights deserves it's own post as welle...

Anyway, Here's two little Ditties.  They have been rolling around the old noggin, any ways, in many ways, and they probably guassed it.  Strange inspiration intonation, those, an eye for an eye types.   TV war shippers.  Something like, this, and something like that.  Gimme back my own brains!?  THX
One, about WARning on people the dangers, Especially Women, of laparoscopic surgery through the naval. Step, By Step, Inch, By Inch, Niagara Falls...open up that can of whoop @zz


Please Bee Forewarned about your own Naval:

  1. Please make sure if you get a tubal, especially the Younger You Are, that your doc is not fresh out of college and in painful hindsight don't know what (sheis/was's) vapidly doing. 
    a.) Please, I beg you, do NOT go back to the grind and lift that up to 50 lbs staring the very next day!!!  Especially if you don't want the guys to know, and so when you ask them for help that first day after surgery at the South Shore Chamber of Zooleck Commerce (take a breathe, drink a sip of water...) Give yourself at least a few days, if you can.  Foregoing those pills is a bee-itch as well.
  2. DON'T even THINK of going to a shyster or shoddy or cheap Plastic Surgeon to get liposuction, you may regret it for life, especially if on general you are a loner and don't know folks or have family to ask, etc.  &...Even if they seem like a nice older Jewish couple down the street from Slouth Showah Hahspital, RUN the other way.  Even if you can't run cause of the broken floaterbone in your foot, ever, after age 27 eating pizza every shift for several years.  And after the stabbing, that I stupidly paind for, I called the lovely older couple (PUKE) and told them what they did to me, and I told them I refused to sue them But I Wanted Them To Know.  They responded as Cowards.  Bye, now.  Click to you too, suck it down, spawn.  Gulp!  And please, please, please, don't ever listen to bad clowns(unless of course it's Bad Clown (from Canada) on the Gbus.tube)  :)
  3. If they even MENTION giving you surgery for correcting the pain of perforated abdomen muscles, do not consider a mesh without doing careful research!!!  If done carelessly, or improperly (24 internal messy long stringy stitches are NO JOKE) because, (break, gasp, choke!) They get loose never mind risk of infection somewhere around the surgeries and REALLY hurt if you manage to get older, gain or lose a lot of weight, and try to work Matcho as hard as men as most of your life //any generalities here please forgive// RUN in the opposite direction as you possibly can.  Can you get a second opinion.  Do you trust this doctor.  Do they have a good track record, who has gone to them with success, etc.  Do a little detective work, even if you are in AGONY.  They can cause Years of More Pain and using a Cain & Able.  Please, YES, just be careful of your health, younguns, okay?  And don't believe them if they tell you you are debilitated for life.  Just be dang careful with that abdomen so you don't...rib the stitches.
I think it's full of she @t that one can't rebuild their abdominals after the naval gets a sword through it three times then a chunk comes out, buy hey, is't only Matcho Muscle it ain't a fuckin joke it hurts like hellspawn.  RUN!!!!!   Needed some protection around it for a while to be able to sleep and heal, liquid habit so to speak, but not since April Fool '18.  Yep, allz I needed to do was listen to beloved advice and sit up straight, act like a lady and Eat Slow!  WHY DIDN'T I??  besides being dubbed the stubborn and stupid by DNA rights. (c that)  Take as best care of that Temple as hue.woman.manly possible.

Happy now, SNideLy Whiplash Riders?  Good, here's some lemonade ___.  They wanna pick up the tab anyway for their favorite charities, anyway, and mostly themselves.  'Drizzle, drazzle, drazzle Drone, time for this one to come home...Turtle Tooter...' and the wayback machine.  Bye, now.  Pass the salt, pleaze?

To the tune of Robbie Robertson's 'Sonny Got Caught in the Moonlight'...puke.  Drop the mic, Liezah, Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry.  Sort of.  Drown this out if you like.  Earbuds, anyone?  Anywho.   Satellite hackerz and 'querilous neigh bores feces...and fecebook, and any other stupid skeletons of a tortured soul..And Warren Zevon's assholes Detox Mountain.

Phew, got that ugly deadly furball out.  Almost choked to death on it.  Fine.  Ok now.  What?  @plain & luminated.  Let's think for JUST a sec about if perfect people were unfairly incarcerated and then see what happens, even if it is just ends up being locked in a 'bird in the shed'.  Was doing what eye thought needed to, through all that flouride and extra vaccinations (thanks, U/MASS Boston for making me take ALL my vaccinations again while I struggled to go to college while badly managing this terrible syndrome that was RxT.Rex forced on me at 17..YOU WON, I dropped out yet again and only just paid off Sallie Mae at 52 with NO FUCKING DEGREE  Fuck You Too!!!.)  What was that?  Oh, sorry for you two.  Go eat from the same plate as your muse?  No, I'm not hangry, and was not even going to give you Snidelies a further thought, but it's appropriate here, for any plastic ...

(breathe again quick) or especially real people concerned, or even Kava Naught, like perfect people that Get Raised Write, either Self Tot or other ways to be wize. That, my friends, is all that counts.  Can only try, being human.  ('No tellin, not knowin') 'Wonder why you pointed that out?  Go look in the mirror, mirror Industry on your Walls.  Have fun with that.  Freakin Circus Wheels.

Hopefully this post will somehow, someway, help more than just SOMEBODIES.  Thanks, Lemonade in the Atmosphere, you know who you are, we all love.  Hat tip here for inspiration:

'member when
weirdo.Beck sed 'you can't write
if you can't relate?  obsessed over that too many
years . ago...

Speaking of toughlove Healz.  It is all wrong, ok? = Admitted.  Me Stupid.  Me Paid almost with My Life, Yet Countless Again, so they could 'Count My Rings': I gotta watch the Matcho Leafting for the Freakin' Duration.

Another hat tip to the beloved Aesop.the.poet. He cracked the code.  Breathe. Snidely Whiplash Be Happy now?  Good.  Have allselves a great new year as swell, and don't be fooled by the ghastlies.

Water, anyone? Where's the Lioness?  I Am Woman Hear Me Roar soon enough and Sa-Roc!  And there are So Many Lessons (Women and Men Artists) More!  so happy.diggity.doggity.to.the.pi this second...(my pi is protection, heh-heh-heh...tee heee!)  Now Rhymesayers is the best in kind love light and protection all around those I love for always and theirs too for always.

Fuck you too.

Proved it otherwize.  Or Naught.  And his freaking daughter, but hands off her!!!  But keep having so much fun, ok?  Not a thing like hitting below the belt, ignoramousasses.  Enjoy your happy m//party//eals.


Ahhhhh, Fahghette Abaht Ette!  Even the dons insisted that the donald only get donald duck not don nicked  Funny as heel.
gotta give them their dang amex,credit...hold the phone, and they mostly crack me up anywho...ONE TWO THREE FOUR if I don't think about the upper eschelons of who pays/controls them, CBS?  Is That Code?  Craig Ferguson's Robot.  the plate all shared so to speak, it is just HOW> just don't get in with the bad lizards, folks, or the joke's on us...those biggest studio lights can Burn.  Pass the salt?  Bee Aware.

Where the fuck went What The Fuck fuck you youtube for taking down good channels the way you have.  Cut that $atanic New World Order Crap OUT NOW.  please yourselves.

Think you Care for your successive Generations? 
Then put your damned Money where
your shitty mouths are and fucking PROVE IT!

It's a Wonderful Trump Cold Open - SNL (seA? c) 

6,666,666 views, hmmm, Good Devils or Bad Devils?  Again, for U to prove (the Universe.)  It's your playground, you can CERTAINLY have since you have always wanted it that way.
Published on 2018, wow, below the freaking belt y'all...SNL & co.  OUCH YIKES.  Hey.  Happy now?  Good.  Here's your cake.

Universe will always sort us out in any end

//and for 'Hernia Girls' everywhere...and guys too, mean mouths like what I try not to be get what they deserve, right?  Not sure but, ok.//

gotta go get some more skeleton breaths ready... or Naught...

Love you too.
Fuck You Too

Insert graceful interlude and maybe a shower and brushing the old gnash, gnash, gnash.  sweeten up sweetie, ok.  All Apologies.  Do the dishes, Granny Galaxy shopvac, etc.  Try some oil of ... hm..Yew.


So, the other little ditty is about ...  oh, I forgot my spectacles but here are the specs:

Too many get unfairly set up by and the New World Fuckhead Order Unjust System.  That must STOP yesterday, and now, going forward.  Yeesh.  Keep on keepin on...pass the faith, please...I said PULLEEZE  Pole ease...Po-po...oops.  Digression can be dangerous.  Or NAUGHT.  Yeah, yeah.  Eye No.

Too many Innocents get beat up by the Greedful, wrong-headed selfish system.

(a bumpy ride is already here, yes, we are at the Tipping Point, Auntie Matter, Granny Galaxy and Mother Earth seem to be in agreement, yes, most definitely.) 

Oh.  And me, in my humble opinion, have been a bit of a plain old jerk, and kinda creepy at time, but I still have a good heart and I never sold my soul out too badly, only to get skills.  Full confessions for you so dont drool on those bibs for long.  So.  Oh, and I admit it.  I'm a beeach on wheels from Bahstin, wadda The Birches duh yah expect?  Pass the bean pot...oh, and the Training, please, and remember that old Union Oyster House, the little bar downstairs...preserve that history, now...and all time beloved Tracy Chapman that !rainbow! of beautymind/body/spirit/artistree of pouring out love, PROTECTION and RESPECT stepping in and playing her heart out, even in the same footsteps of Jimi Hendrix for Free for us all I heard but missed the dang thing on the Cambridge Common back in the 70s,...?  Ahhhhh...back in the day...I loved that boy to the Universe and back.  Those were the daze.

Since The Universe Can Help Me Help It .

Is to be human NOT to admit we are at times fallible?:  No! Absolutely knot. !  Double-speak back at em.

Besides.  Phew, that's over with and hopefully put to bed.  Nighty-Naught...

Please pass the humble pie and forgiveness.  Cane and Able.  Thanks, U, love backcatchya.  Yeah, I charged it on MC and hoped for the best, wanted a Granny's Galaxy type nature's black hole vacuum cleaner to suck up all the Miller Beer, stress, housework, jobs and corporate stupidity, distortion, fear, over working and mutual abuse, being manipulated by my own Mah, using food against myself trying to not be skinny anymore after the rape in the hospital under shackled sedation fuck you too very much nurse ratchet and the nightshift ghouls at HRI Brookline very much but I hope the fuck they are goodly now and under watchful carefulness or I'll Drop That Bomb on them, oh, I just did...it was me and all the young ones that came in at that time manic talking about love meaning Universal Love you stupid demons...Shackles OFF, self-sacrificing sillyness Karma, and especially the self-destruction, let that all go and process.  A daily practice to try to stay balanced.  Pass on the news?  Wish.  Hope. BeWare.  "Don't Let Em Push You Around!!!!!!!"  ~Abbie in Absensia, literally...at that sweet little Spiritualist Church that fateful  day...a real channeller, so rare, and didn't even remember the stream he gifted...in front of an entire room...I said not one word of the identity...so many years under bridges...wood love to share that story more completely but we'll see...Faith in a better world, in possibilities of our dreams coming true right out of the Universe blue, from Mother Earth's perspective, atmosphere, of course, and grief, and Evidence.  As an act of peaceful rebellion. 

After all.  We are teeny tea leaves in the vastness out there, aren't wee?  Where is some music, anyway?  Ahhhhh, here it is...phew, real goodness in people, yes True Colors shinging through.  Lessons.  Fables.

I've lived a life of a tortured soul, no less, struggling to stay employahillbillyble then got kicked so rudely out of the so called American dream, by force stoopid S.I.A.P., of course, the Great Depression of 2008, engineered no less, keep your street of walls to yourself, go ahead, wakey=wakey see what that gets you.  But I survived, yet again, landing on my feet running.  So what?  Lemonade.  Not everyone is born with the same chances, like I choked on my dumbness, stainless fucking steel spoon NOT stolen and all and lost it for example, most of my pretty long life, so far, === it most certainly is (!choke!) Naught a level playing field, the last I checked, yet.  Sea?  I'm trying to put one step forward every day.  Stayin Alive.  Trying to make at least one tiny spot, or even myself better, so a better person for the Universe.  Taking care.  Simply.  That's what I do now, eyes wide open without the toothpicks now, trying to forgive my own silly self and past, and even the DNA. 
True Loves Heal, especial 0MM.
  and I love that Mah of mine, it's instinctual, even if she rips my heart out with her lifestyle choices.  Why?  See, along with choking on those Cheerios, She gave us the gift of music with Bino, Nina Simone, running from the room crying so we would not sea.  Beethoven & co.  Poor Beatles.  We saw Yellow Submarine in Paris and lived on Rue de Guerre, in a Haunted Home owned by Mason Hoffenberg who wrote Candy for scary Midnight Black staircase sake.  I sure hope his Daughter is ok because she lent us the Beatles.  Thank you so much, Woman.  Carry on, good soldiers, and not the bad ones.
I try to look at the whole caboodle Now with kindness, self-forgiveness and humor, and focus on positive things, that's about I can mustard seed in a clear heart so far.  And I try to have fun, for heaven's sake...oh, and the blank story?  Anyone wanna make it seem so unseemingly, that's ALL on you. NOT me, and what has kept me silent so long, but Fuck You Too.  I only wanna highlight the good magic with  tiny tealight, that's all I ever wanted to and got left. 


A freaking free starring freed mystery comedy based on a true blue story?  May be...the fence, is a lot better, even if it historically has sliced me into eight billion or so pieces, got up and brushed them off, superglued back together.  Better than anyone else getting hurt, dig??  Wow. Hope all that load of laundry is washed and put away for ya, that'll be 50 cents + One and only One tip, and let me get that door for ya, Sirs & Ma'ams...maybe I have time, and maybe not.  Especially winters.


And much much more importantly, to at least be aware of timelines all in unison:

The Kali Yuga
Hinduism's 4 Yugas, or Ages
Hunduism's Staggering Time Scale
something like...
by Subhamoy Das
Updated November 04, 2018
Das, Subhamoy. "Hinduism's 4 Yugas, or Ages." ThoughtCo, Nov. 4, 2018, thoughtco.com/the-four-yugas-or-epochs-1770051.

lots of waves going up and down, tons, millions, some bipolar-like even, some of them, and .... all kinds, now wireless connectivity is evil 5G in the mix...for goodness sake what is REALLY going on.  Bee careful busy beeZ!!!  Hang In There!

We HUMANS ADAPT!! Despite ANY Smoke & Mirrorz

Too many rabbit holes with Liza.twolittle thyme...specially in the warmer climbs, where's that shop vac again, oh, and the specs...and hey I needed to catch up on sleep...prart ob thee PROCESS of healing

Honorable mention goes to:

The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle
Bibhu Dev Misra | See: http://www.bibhudevmisra.com/
Published 15th July 2012 - https://grahamhancock.com/dmisrab6/

General News 1/6/2019 at 06:28:34  
5 Million Women in Kerala, India, Joined in Peaceful Protest
Quicklink Submitted By Meryl Ann Butler

c/o consciousness
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Are We Living in the Kali Yuga?
By Jacob Devaney on Tuesday November 1st, 2016
Ancient Wisdom on the Cycle of Time

You Can Attribute The Author
By Richard B. Godfrey (1728 - N/A) - initially uploaded to https://i.imgur.com/o5l6Cpn.jpg by en:User:Redtigerxyz, LACMA [1], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4146392

zzzzzzzzzzzzz Baker's Dozen
C-SPAN Congressional Chronic.le

Remarks, Testimony, Speeches, and Briefings by Department of State Officials

zzzzzzzzzzzzz Baker's Dozen
yeah, and eyell keep on passing, on anything LIKE Alexa...cellular, wireless, not even Roombah if can you help it...or~

Just Be Aware And Take Care...

Think of that rudely ever presence back end of your own Tee.Vee, if you have ONE that is...at ALL times please.  Thank you Edward Snowden & archetypes...

Behave??  You better believe it.

Some of them are too big for puny puss.ee minds.  That's right, that is what that portion of the skit reminds me of, as numb and humbly as humanly possible Snidely stone cold sober.
And I was worried about the Mah getting jumped when she was Almost Always Alone, can you blame that?!
The past.  And a Circus Wheel Ride with a Bad Clown of my own.   Oh, I forgot, I don't now remember nothing...EXCEPT HOW TO TRY TO PROTECT OTHER'Z CHILDREN...
love y'all, it's all good, no worriesBlessings to All Good Folk.  Redact this.


  1. Lemonade anyone? Hat tip to Atmosphere with Rhymesayers ENT

  2. Laugh In was the egg that hatched out as SNL. Hat tip to SNL, of course they must know they are loved very much.


Truman Show So Heyokah ~

???????????????????????????????????????????? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Truman_Show reading between the likes kiddies of course ;) sl...