Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Dr. Hulda Clark's Zapper, Home-Made Manual Version

Kiss Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites in the body
UPDATE:  There are hands-free zappers on the market now that offer convenience and ease of use.
This is the most cost-effective one I have found:

These simple devices kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the body. You will need a 9 volt battery and be prepared to drink lots of water and lemon water to flush the toxins from the body. You can wear one all day and while you sleep. Three weeks is the recommended time-span for a detox, but you can also use it for prevention.

4/30/2020 | COVID 19 questions

"The human species can no longer afford to make a business out of illness."
The late, great Dr. Hulda Clark
Do not zap if you wear a pacemaker or if you are pregnant.
"The ZAPPER "electrocutes" small pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus and other toxins. It does not need to have a specific frequency to do this, as it is, contrary to a frequency generator, frequency-independent. It does however need to be:
  >  battery-operated
  >  positive offset at all times"

Drink Lots of Water, and or Lemon Water after Zapping: Important
2 fresh 9 volt batteries
2 copper tubes, 6" x 1"
(I had to sandpaper the ends of the copper tubes so they would not be sharp-edged)
4 simple wires with metal clamps on both ends,
no need for color coding, these just happened to be colored

 All you need is here together:
  • 2 fresh 9 volt batteries,
  • 4 wires with metal clips on both ends,
  • 2 6" by 1" pieces of copper tubing, (also used in plumbing)
  • 2 damp cloths or paper towels to wrap each copper tube in to help with conductivity

Zapping: wrap the copper tubing with
damp paper towel or cloth and you're ready to
do the series of tapping

you can alternate hands while tapping,
tap as fast as you can with the open hand that you can do consistently for 10 minutes,
1 or 2 times per second or so
on the meatiest part of the palm

alternating during a tapping session
Zapping (manual):
Tapping session in minute intervals:  7 - 21 - 7 - 21 - 7
The above interval in minutes: 7: tap, 21: rest, 7: tap, 21: rest, 7: tap
To heal a disease (infection, infestation):
Do three times per day for a week or two, or until symptoms are gone.
To maintain health:
Do on tapping session per month

You can use an egg timer or other timer to time yourself.

Simply, the Zapper used correctly will kill all parasites, bacteria and viruses from the body.  After a series of sessions using the zapper, one will need to go though detoxing (drinking lots of water as well, lemon water is also excellent) as the body rids itself of the dead parasites, bacteria and viruses.  Used correctly, the Zapper also will very effectively help you maintain your health in many ways.

So there is in fact this Naturopath cure Dr. Clark developed for us that your local mainstream doctor either knows nothing about, or doesn't want you to know so they can make their money by give you a script that does not work and makes you sick in other ways.
If you are interested in exploring this option, visit (the late, great) Dr. Clark's official website and learn about her disease healing protocols:


If you are interested in checking out Dr. Clark's book, about 20 bucks.

The Cure for All Diseases

The Zappers
These products seem expensive to me but this automatic Zapper would be a lot easier to use:


I'm trying to figure out these products, not easy to understand:

(cheers, to your health)

Detoxing the Body of Parasites – Discover the Best Herbal Remedies for Banishing these Health Destroying Intruders
By Carolanne Wright, Wake Up World

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