The World? Oh, you mean Mother Earth.
Stay frosty, do whatever you have to to keep getting your balance. Mom. The bitch is gonna Rock And Roll, and have sex basically with this Nemesis. She need it. Then the Rebirth. Hat tip and immense relief to cracking the riddle, the code, that could only be done At This Very Time and going forward, nomatter what the heck happens, by jove we are gonna be reset, and we gonna do our dangdest to roll with it.
Is That Code? -Craig Ferguson
If power (energy) were freed, freely distributed to those in need, then
if perhaps Tesla the 0riginal style (not elongated musks) but I mean, freely accessed, then
Mother E would not feel she have to shake the $atanic part of the web off - believe you me that would break that spwelle like sh@t then. Give the freaking flying PEACE bird to ALL OFF JP Morgan and spawn...Mother E tells me.
The Who - Eminence Front (Original)
Stay frosty, do whatever you have to to keep getting your balance. Mom. The bitch is gonna Rock And Roll, and have sex basically with this Nemesis. She need it. Then the Rebirth. Hat tip and immense relief to cracking the riddle, the code, that could only be done At This Very Time and going forward, nomatter what the heck happens, by jove we are gonna be reset, and we gonna do our dangdest to roll with it.
Is That Code? -Craig Ferguson
If power (energy) were freed, freely distributed to those in need, then
if perhaps Tesla the 0riginal style (not elongated musks) but I mean, freely accessed, then
Mother E would not feel she have to shake the $atanic part of the web off - believe you me that would break that spwelle like sh@t then. Give the freaking flying PEACE bird to ALL OFF JP Morgan and spawn...Mother E tells me.
The Who - Eminence Front (Original)
Breathing, staying out of Shock those first days will be the biggest
challenge besides not getting hit with debris. And caring for all of each other, like in any big storm, we tribe together, survivors. Humanity has been through this many times, it's in our DNA. We are in fact chosen for this. The Autistic. The vid rocks, if I may. Humanity will survive. Come what
may. To the tune of The Who, Hear the riff in the
background? It's countless time waves bending.
Many of us are the spawn of the sixties generation, speaking globally of course. We will become the coolective now, that we have longed for. We are only human, whose indominable (spell this) spirit will Adapt and Survive, even the nitial blast and radiation. Spirit intended to help us all along, we just had to wait for the cosmic timing, and . (Crosby Still Nash and Young, Wooden Ships) Kind of like as that man says, Suspicious0bservers interview those Scientists are All Brainwashed, and that's o with a zed, we will be at ground zero but without the Grid so that will be KEY of life in connecting back as one species humaniwomanity respecting Mother Earth.
Threatened with the lives of their loved ones into under control is so yesterday. I Will Not Let This Be. The warrior souls are ready to come back. It will be hellish with the ambient radiation, but those idiots at TEPCO actually inoculated BULLSHOT! the entire planet, same with Chernobyl, 3 mile, all the other nuclear leaks never mind the Bikini massacre cancers ongoing, swept under the rug for more profits for $atan with the U.$. $eabrook NH masquerading as Yankee, that was shut down (dismantling, decommished).in 2014. The Twin States. We have all been played. And vaccinations can be deadly, so don't get any more unless you gotta CYA.
You wanna survive 5G? That GRID must be eliminated as a form of control. FREE. That is Key. Remember the musical instrumentation and song remembrance. Protect some sheets of music in a metal pipe deep in a cave with your oxygen tanks. Sing for Joy!
Many of us are the spawn of the sixties generation, speaking globally of course. We will become the coolective now, that we have longed for. We are only human, whose indominable (spell this) spirit will Adapt and Survive, even the nitial blast and radiation. Spirit intended to help us all along, we just had to wait for the cosmic timing, and . (Crosby Still Nash and Young, Wooden Ships) Kind of like as that man says, Suspicious0bservers interview those Scientists are All Brainwashed, and that's o with a zed, we will be at ground zero but without the Grid so that will be KEY of life in connecting back as one species humaniwomanity respecting Mother Earth.
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This bumper stiker was in reaction to the U.S. having to vote with the forced sickening choice of either Hitlary the Spent War Monger and Trump the Vapid Wannabe Goombah
When most of us preferred to vote for Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic Frontrunner Adaline Incredulous February 1, 2019 at 5:23 PM
Commercial Interruption:
Don't have to read these, these additions to the attempted brainwashing that is News pretty much sums IT up. And for yet more mainstream media brainwashing: Giant meteor hitting earth preferred by 1 in 4 millennials over Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton presidency Still, Clinton has the edge over the End of Days when it comes to young voters Independent, by Feliks Garcia, 2016 and on New York @feliksjose Americans prefer a meteor hit Earth over Trump or Clinton as president New York Post, By Yaron Steinbuch, July 1, 2016 13 Percent of People Would Rather Have a Meteor Hit Earth Than Elect Trump or Clinton Looks like some sorting out of priorities is in order. US News & World Report, By Rachel Dicker, July 1 2016 |
Threatened with the lives of their loved ones into under control is so yesterday. I Will Not Let This Be. The warrior souls are ready to come back. It will be hellish with the ambient radiation, but those idiots at TEPCO actually inoculated BULLSHOT! the entire planet, same with Chernobyl, 3 mile, all the other nuclear leaks never mind the Bikini massacre cancers ongoing, swept under the rug for more profits for $atan with the U.$. $eabrook NH masquerading as Yankee, that was shut down (dismantling, decommished).in 2014. The Twin States. We have all been played. And vaccinations can be deadly, so don't get any more unless you gotta CYA.
You wanna survive 5G? That GRID must be eliminated as a form of control. FREE. That is Key. Remember the musical instrumentation and song remembrance. Protect some sheets of music in a metal pipe deep in a cave with your oxygen tanks. Sing for Joy!
a put on. It's a cosmic reset. Rolling with the punches lies deep within our DNA. Good old Gov. Uncle Sam incorporated with the Lizard Queens won't tell the populations.
This is in fact, the Dawning of the Age. Mother Earth is here to protect those of us who are meant to survive, and carry on, if you love her enough. Trump the Card, Check, MATE! Go change your own diapers, jerk. Here, smear his face with his own shit and laugh at him while he has a toddler temper tantrum and won't wash himself. Eat it, Trump. You've been had. Your gigs are up.
This is in fact, the Dawning of the Age. Mother Earth is here to protect those of us who are meant to survive, and carry on, if you love her enough. Trump the Card, Check, MATE! Go change your own diapers, jerk. Here, smear his face with his own shit and laugh at him while he has a toddler temper tantrum and won't wash himself. Eat it, Trump. You've been had. Your gigs are up.
will adapt and survive, and now that it is seeded in the ether both electronically and etherically, it has been for quite a long time since it was first discovered in the 40s, then Astronomer Robert Harrington took the fall in the 80s right before he was going to publish his findings.
Will grow in the collective, it will expand over generations of us that will remember our souls now, remember ? Don't have to, again, it's in the DNA. Survival instinct. Of the fittest and smartest and most prepared. At least mentally.
And we will come back as true peace warriors and care for the planet, each other, sea? It will be hellish for generations but hey, the good residents will then be unshackled from underground to help us help ourselves!!! From inner earth. If they so choose. Only those of us that are mentally prepared have a chance.
That will take days to get through, the not being able to breathe and getting blasted by EMFs supreme and meteor showers. Gather the water, nuts and berries. Toys, passtimes, real, 'analog' won't even work. Wakey, wakey, little snakeys.
Ooops, just pulled my head out of my @ss.
Teach the Children Well. Get it into them easy, just a seed or too about a cool cosmic Carnival Ride or something might be coming. They are more adaptable than us. Survival? You just gotta wanna.
Will grow in the collective, it will expand over generations of us that will remember our souls now, remember ? Don't have to, again, it's in the DNA. Survival instinct. Of the fittest and smartest and most prepared. At least mentally.
And we will come back as true peace warriors and care for the planet, each other, sea? It will be hellish for generations but hey, the good residents will then be unshackled from underground to help us help ourselves!!! From inner earth. If they so choose. Only those of us that are mentally prepared have a chance.
That will take days to get through, the not being able to breathe and getting blasted by EMFs supreme and meteor showers. Gather the water, nuts and berries. Toys, passtimes, real, 'analog' won't even work. Wakey, wakey, little snakeys.
Ooops, just pulled my head out of my @ss.
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Nebra Skeye Disk of Antiquity |
Carry on, True Peace Warriors. Cheers and a hat tip to artist and astronomically brainy author Andy Lloyd et all for this venue, thx
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bubble.....!P0p!
Please see Billy's Amazen Story With An Open Mind/Body/Soul/Spirit
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Billy Fay Woodward |
Adaline . and Pantora . will both be prettying this up with Pix0 ;) Here's your Spirit Bear hug in the Air, dude, you did it, Aesop, thx, you broke the swpelle...All take care for One now! Ready...reset...GO! Rock and Roll time for Mother Earth!!! Just prepare mentally!!!!! GEmini, I THink Hat tip to all at Rhymesayers! We Now Know Who We Are Forever
ReplyDeleteFreedom and unity sistered with Live free or die? Cracked the code.
DeleteReady set go for the biggest carnival ride ever!
DeleteIt was Brotherly Love, Adaline. All that time, right under your quite possibly ignorant nose.
DeleteCertainly not Make it in Massachusetts, that fell apart on ya from the Get-Go